Well, Labor Day has come and gone, and it’s almost time to say “farewell trusty sandals”, and “hello, fringed scarves!” There’s always a bit of sadness at the end of every great summer, but as fall is my favorite season, I never mourn this change of weather for more than a few minutes. While others dream of next year’s beach days, I crave the drop in humidity, the crispness in the air, and the urge to bundle myself in colorful knitwear!
While I didn’t finish every little thing on my summer To-Do list, I checked off as much as I could, including reading a great variety of books, enjoying quiet time lounging by the pool, and being outside every day that the heat wasn’t too unbearable. My favorite parts of summer have easily been the trips to New Mexico, France and Italy, where I feel so lucky to have done a bit of camping, exploring, and (quite a lot of) eating. Hopefully we’ll continue to get out as often this fall! I’ve also started practicing yoga in the morning thanks to the very practical YouTube! (For those of you who know what it’s like to be sedentary for a few years, you should be able to appreciate the challenge of getting back into a regular fitness routine.)
It feels great to start the beginning of a transformative season feeling nourished, at peace, and clear-headed. The end of summer urges me to get back on track, and refocus after indulgent, sunny days of sunscreen-smelling bliss. I have so many ambitious plans for fall, and I wish you all the best as you get back to school, to work, or just to being in a better place!
What were your favorite things about your summer? Are you feeling ready to take on the fall? Share with me in the comments below!