Each Halloween, I resist growing up and go back to my favorite spine-tingling films of youth. I remember watching movie marathons on Halloween Night, reruns of Are You Afraid of the Dark, and Edward Scissor Hands – all of which make me feel like I’m 9 years old and home alone again. I’m really not a horror movie person, nor am I so much for gore, but I like creepy films with elaborate sets and a lot of spirit. And I always, always, love stories about witches. Here are just some of the shows and films I’m gearing up to watch this All Hallows’ Eve!
1. Rear Window
I haven’t seen this movie in a zillion years, but I love the suspense and intrigue of Jimmy Stewart watching his neighbors from the apartment complex across the way. I too like to watch people’s every day lives and combined with an active imagination, this film is very much up my “alley.”
Available for rent here on Amazon
2. The Witches
A cult classic, I remember watching this movie with my best friend when we were probably too small to be seeing it! I love the opening sequence and the story of Erika in the painting, but there are many more quotable, and iconic scenes. Anjelica Huston is so frightening as the Grand High Witch! If you haven’t caught this one, better get watching!
If you’ve got Amazon Prime, watch for free here!
3. Stranger Things Season 2
Possibly Netflix’s most anticipated release, I’m ready to binge watch the new season in a deprivation chamber all my own. What does Eleven has in store for the demogorgon? We’ll soon find out!
Watch Season 1 on Netflix. Season 2 is available on Oct. 27th.
4. The Fall
A dark thriller staring Fifty Shade’s Jamie Dornan in a roll that feels not so far from the romantic one, except for a slight change – he’s the Belfast Strangler! The series stars Gillian Anderson as the lead investigator and I just can’t get enough of her strength, beauty and poise. I’m midway through the third season and it’s only getting more interesting…
Available here on Netflix
5. Practical Magic
Who doesn’t love witches, Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman, and coastal Massachusetts? A violent demon awoken from the dead, combined with a sweet love story, captivates me every time – not to mention their old house with all it’s bewitching herbs and decorations! Where do I pick up my broom?
Watch on Netflix
6. Beetlejuice
Jon has never seen this Tim Burton classic before, but as I’m often singing and dancing to Day-O, I thought we’d sit down and watch it before Halloween. He’s in for a treat!
Rent on Amazon here!
I love spooky movies, and don’t only watch them around October, but there’s something SO fun and festive about curling up in the dark on days before Halloween. I’ve never seen Witches of Eastwick, so I might try to catch an airing of that, along with a few other Hitchcock and Burton films too. What movies get you in the mood for Halloween?
Do you have any favorite films or suggestions to add? Share your suggestions with me in the comments below!