If you’re unsure of how to come up with resolutions for 2018, or any other year for that matter, take a little advice from me as of late. I’ve been digging into all my fears and frustrations in order to find the things that paralyze me, hold me back, or keep me from being my best self. While fear is an emotion that we all prefer to avoid, this year I’m latching onto my fears in order to face them, conquer them, and bid them goodbye.
So here are my 2018 New Year Resolutions:
1. Don’t feed the beast. I’m tired of the little voice of doubt that seems to show up whenever I’m feeling my lowest. Rather than wallowing in the negativity, this year, I’m going to work hard to recognize when I’m putting myself down and to put an end to it. The self-doubt has never served me well and I won’t let it hold me back this year.
2. Get involved. Last year I was about fighting and being more vocal about the things I believe in, but I often did it from the comfort of my own home. While I did show up to protests, this year I want to join organizations that actually make change on the ground. I get a little overwhelmed by weekly commitment’s or meetings, so I want to push myself and get active in ways I wasn’t comfortable before.
3. Do the hustle. A lot of fear and self-doubt has held me back from pushing myself further in a lot of ways. Most of all, it’s kept me from doing all I can to share and champion my own work. This year I want to change that.
4. Get toned. I lost a little weight in 2017, but now I want to see some definition in my arms, abs, and legs. It’s going to take more work, but I can do it!
5. Kill the green-eyed monster. I don’t suffer from extreme envy, but sometimes the access we have to exceptional work online makes it impossible to not compare yourself to others. I want to let go of a lot of that by spending more time creating and less time looking at other work.
6. Commit to something nearly every day. Change doesn’t happen suddenly, it happens in little steps made over a period of time. I want to focus on a daily yoga practice, read most evenings, and take better care of my health – all things that require a quiet, daily commitment, rather than a grand gesture.
And there you have it! Of course, there are many more, smaller things I want to accomplish in 2018, but these goals are at the root of most of those. This is the year I’m staring down my fears and coming out stronger and more determined than ever! Who’s with me?
What are some of your resolutions for 2018? Share with me in the comments below! And to see how I held up to my resolutions of 2017, click here!