We ended our visit to the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris with one of the most creepy and yet, surprisingly Instagramable locations imaginable: The Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy Gallery.
Now, I’m not someone who shies away from bones. For one, my Mother was a biology teacher, and two, after seeing Jurassic Park I desperately wanted to be a paleontologist and unearth dinosaur bones in the Montana desert. But, I’ll be honest, this was a lot of bones, even for me!
Whoever designed this gallery was a genius of order and thoroughness. I’ve never seen such a comprehensive collection of animal bones anywhere, and they’re all perfectly complete skeletons, aligned, cataloged, and displayed in such a beautiful and impressive manner.
Visitors were sketching monkey skeletons, while I searched for the domestic cats to gauge how small Ernie really is – all the while enjoying the beauty of the stunning space.

With all the skeletons, it was a very difficult place to photograph. But we did out best!

Then we waltzed upstairs to visit a few dinosaurs.

Of course, Jon took the ultimate creepy photo below, just to give you nightmares.
And there you have it! More bones and skeletons than you ever wanted to see in your life, but hopefully, you still found it interesting. Until next time!
If you missed my other posts from the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, check out this one of the La Grande Galerie de l’Évolution, and this one from the Jardin des Plantes. And to find out more about the museum, click here. What do you think of all dem bones?