The weeks seem to be rolling by and while I find myself constantly shocked by the date, I am no longer paying much mind to the cold because spring will be here so soon! Despite the dropping temperatures yesterday, we headed to New York City again to try out a different mirrorless camera for me. While I am SO excited to share the camera I picked (we ordered it last night!!!), I’ll be talking more about all of that next week. Let’s just say that I’m feeling very inspired and more capable of capturing the beautiful blooming flowers of the spring.
As you can tell by the number of posts this week, I’ve been a busy gal, and haven’t taken much time off. So, the plan is to get in some major movie watching R&R, alongside all the Olympic programming. I’m picking up a few Valentine’s gifts for myself and others, and am keeping some time for reading by the warmth of the fire. I’m going to take the weekend to do some thinking about the things I said in this post, and make some plans to tackle fewer tasks, so I don’t find myself overwhelmed.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about Uma Thurman, an actor, and creative I’ve admired for a long time. She shared her moving story in the NYTimes this week and her resilience through adversity, abuse and injustice have made me champion her all the more. And speaking of captivating women, I was fascinated by this article about the famous portrait of Marie Antoinette wearing her casual cotton frock and holding a rose. It’s one of my favorite paintings in both subject and color palette, but apparently, it was quite the scandal at the time and may have even contributed to the slave trade. Always new things to learn!
I hope you’re looking forward to the holiday of love and roses next week! To be honest, I don’t much like traditional cut roses at all, preferring to see them flourish in nature instead, but give me a peony and I’ll be your gal forever. If you’re looking for a sweet gift, maybe for a friend or someone you admire, take a look at this adorable reusable Baggu Bag. The little heart emoji are cute, and the colors, not tied to Valentine’s Day, make it easy to use all year round.
May you have the most wonderful weekend! You’ll find me basking in Olympic glory as I plan to watch as many double McTwists on the halfpipe as they’ll let me. Have a great one!
What will you be up to this weekend?