Did you feel it?
The change? The shift? I drove to the local post office with the driver-side window down and the sun on my face. The weather has turned, and I can feel that spring is closer than ever. There may be some dark, rainy days ahead of us, but the weather has broken, and we are on the other side of the frozen chill of winter. Everywhere I look there are small signs of spring: moss turning green on the oak branches, furry, rabbit ear shaped buds on our Magnolia tree, and the eruption of bulbs preparing to flower. Oh, how I long for those glorious spring days when everything’s blooming, and I can sit outside on my patio every day! Yay!
I know that I mentioned this earlier, but Jon is away on a photography trip, and I’ve finally been able to get ahead of some work and errands I’ve been putting off for a while. However, my schedule has been less than stellar, and I’m trying to figure out ways to go to bed earlier. I love to read before bed, and I just can’t seem to turn the lights off before 1 am, while I’m joyously reading a novel. It’s a struggle. Let me know if you have any tips for getting to bed at a good time!
I’m currently reading this book, which, in the first two chapters, has already proven to be a story I don’t want to put down. It’s about a woman’s spiral into addiction during her time as a beauty editor at a major magazine. She sounds like a train wreck, and with an author bio of her with a blue wig and a dress falling off her, I’d say she wants everyone to think that too. For me, someone who never drinks and has never done drugs, I am captivated by a need to understand what is happening to someone at the other extreme of the spectrum. And I guess I’ll be finding out more very soon – I can already say it’s well written!
For my birthday, a good friend bought me the LIFE special edition on Audrey Hepburn, and I’m going to be taking some time this weekend to enjoy the behind-the-scenes images of her on set and the stories about her life from her close friend and photographer Bob Willoughby. The photos are all so lovely and inspiring, and I can tell it’s a magazine I will be holding onto for many years.
In other news, I was so excited to read this article about the recovery to the Caribbean island of St. John after the devastation of hurricane Maria. Though my favorite resort is yet to be restored, I am looking forward to the next time I get to lie on those beautiful beaches again. And did you hear? Scientists may have discovered a new organ in the body called the interstitium, a meshwork of strong connective proteins which allows fluid to flow throughout the body. Read about it here. I also loved this article about interpreting the Stormy Daniels interview on 60 minutes. It pretty much summed up my feelings on the matter. And finally, this article about how dark you need your room to sleep gives me free reign to pull the shades all the way down!
Also, last week while scanning television channels, I stumbled upon a documentary about Jane Goodall on National Geographic. The footage of the young English woman in the jungle pulled me in from the first minute, and Jon and I watched the whole thing straight through to the end. It’s stayed with me these last few days, and I think it’s a story worth watching. Check out the trailer below:
Well, I hope you have a great weekend! We have an Easter brunch planned for Sunday, which means I will be eating an exorbitant amount of bagels and candy. So, Happy Easter, Happy Passover, or if you don’t celebrate either Happy Weekend!
What have you got planned for the weekend? And please feel free to share any books, articles, recipes, movies, etc, that you think I’d like!