Hello there and Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
It’s the official start of the summer season, and the weather couldn’t be more beautiful. I’m looking forward to spending most of this 3-day vacation outside with my cat, my plants, a mountain of books, and a whole lot of guacamole. Doesn’t that sound delightful? My compatriots will surely be hitting the beaches all along the east coast, but unless we’re talking Caribbean white sand, I’m less of a surf bum. That water is too darn cold!
I am most excited for a weekend spent planting. I’ve been hitting up all the local gardening stores to pick up my favorite blooms and am drowning in flower inspiration (as you can see in these photos!). After visiting Montréal last year, I struggle a bit with the lack of color choices compared to what I saw at the Marché Jean-Talon, but I’m going to make it work for my giant patio planters. This year I plan to focus on larger flowers and more structural greenery, which should result in fabulous and bountiful arrangements.
And how has your week been post-Royal Wedding? I’m still basking in the regal afterglow, but I have finally dialed down my excitement and settled for this National Geographic special on the wedding preparations. It was lovely, and if I’m honest, left me a little verklempt. The thing I love most about the English is their pride in their country and their dedication to their work. Watching the Windsor ground’s keeper boast about perfectly level fences along the Thames is almost too much. To see people with such meaning in their employment is uplifting and what I think an occupation should be.
In other news, if you are heading to the beach, sitting poolside, or camping at a wooded retreat, boy do I have just the summer reading list for you! Modern Mrs. Darcy always puts together great suggestions, but she’s really outdone herself with this summer reading list. It’s organized in descriptive categories, so whether you’re looking for a light read or a complicated family drama, she’s got you covered.
I’ve also been loving Michelle Obama’s recent Instagram posts, including this one. How cute are they on their wedding day?! And it was fun to see this image go viral when a photographer got just the right shot!
Speaking of photographers, I can’t help but plug my brilliant husband’s new website! Check it out here. He’s only been photographing for a little over a year but has grown into a fantastic landscape artist. If this is the beginning, I can just imagine how incredible his photos will be as he continues to hone his craft. He takes many of the images for She’s So Bright as well, so it’s been fun to work together on many of my projects. Thanks for giving it a look and be sure to check out the photo descriptions (the little “i” in the top right corner) to find out more about each image!
Lastly, I’ve been obsessed with my recent purchases from the lovely French boutique Sézane. I’ve been wearing this top regularly for its chic color and implied sun protection, but I also picked up this one and this one. I’ve also been happily sporting their free-with-purchase tote bag as a casual purse as I run errands and hit up plant stores. I cleverly use it to hide my romance novel library books when I’m dropping off returns! And these slip-on booties are my favorite for throwing on without much effort. I’m all about easy style and comfort.
Well, it’s time for me to head off and do my final plant shop. I’ll be driving around with a Mini Cooper full of flowers, but honestly, I can’t think of anything more delightful than that! I hope you have a fantastic weekend of family, friends, and lots of grilled meat. I’ll see you back here on Tuesday!
What are your Memorial Day plans? I’d love to hear them! And be sure to read this week’s favorite post here!