Well, there’s nothing like starting the week with an exploding desk! If you checked out my Instagram Stories earlier this week, you might have seen that my husband’s glass-topped desk burst into a million fragmented pieces. Though it’s rare, it apparently can happen to tempered glass if it has any imperfection. So, half asleep and in bed, I woke up to a boom so loud that I thought a wall had come down on him. And for a man who sits at his desk 90% of the time, it was pretty much a miracle that he was in the kitchen packing a meal for a hike. The alternative would have left him covered in a pile of glass dust, which is how his monitor and subsequent accessories ended up. Thus there was a big mess to clean up, but no one was hurt, so aside from a bit more vacuuming than I’d like, once my pulse stopped throbbing it was not such a big deal.
But pardon me, this is no way to start a new month! Hello June. JUNE! It’s June! Did you realize it’s June? Gosh, six months into the year and it’s gone by in a snap. The best part of these warmer months, as I feel like I’ve been saying for weeks now, is planting and spending time outside. While Jon is off hiking in the forest, I’ve been busy bringing the greenery home. Which brings me to my photographs today! These are of the gorgeous plants and flowers I picked out to fill my giant patio planters this year. The previous season I had beautiful, successful blooms (I may share the difference between the two), but on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give my first attempt about a 6. The flowers I picked last year were high maintenance and needed a lot of deadheading to keep them in bloom. There was one plant, a calypso, that had the tiniest little flowers and would take me 30 minutes to do correctly. It got a little out of hand. So this year I went for bigger blooms, more textured greenery, and less fuss. Fingers crossed it turns out that way!
And I picked these dusty leafed flowers because of how much they reminded me of California. In fact, most of the flowers I chose, from the vintage lavender to the ivy, have a significance. When you’re designing something, it’s normal to spend a lot of your time thinking about how things go together, but this time I let go and chose plants that spoke to me. I’m glad I gave myself room to experiment because I’m much happier with this eclectic batch than with last year’s.
My weekend plans consist of getting these flowers nestled in their new home, but I’m making room for some pop culture. Did you catch this new music video from Maroon 5? I haven’t been a fan of theirs since the early aughts, but this video has many of my favorite women in it (including Ellen and Gal!), so I will concede to liking the song. And have you ever had a Vietnamese coffee? This recipe sounds good and refreshing for summer! I’ll also be taking half an hour to listen to this podcast by Shop Ban.do founder and mental health advocate, Jen Gotch. If you don’t follow her on Instagram, you really should, because she is the most hilarious and honest person on the entire platform. So, basically, my weekend is booked.
As for you, I hope this misty and foggy weather can be enjoyed from the comfort of a cozy nook. Have a great weekend and enjoy all that life has to offer you. I’ll see you next week!
What are your plans for the weekend? And be sure to share or suggest your favorite books, articles, music, or anything really to me or my readers!