It’s been one of those weeks that’s gone by in a flash and I cannot believe it’s already Friday! While most of this week has been under a cloud of extreme heat and humidity, the rain has finally given us a little pleasant break of cooler temperatures and refreshing breezes.
What is it about summer rain that has me feeling all nostalgic? I find myself longing for quiet moments curled up in bed, or watching an old movie with a steaming hot mug of Earl Grey tea. It’s days like this where the moss outside seems to glow, and the damp summer smells fill my brain with stories of love lost, romantic escapes, and sweeping landscapes along windy coastlines. I can’t help it – summer rain captures my imagination and sends me way up into the clouds.
Of course, I could be feeling romantic for other reasons too. It’s my one year wedding anniversary next week, and we’ll be reminiscing about the amazing celebration with family and friends in Paris. The whole thing was like a dream, and worth the many years we waited before finally saying “I Do.” While I’ve got nothing planned yet in terms of celebrating, I’m sure we’ll come up with something special, even if it’s rather last minute and nothing more than a pot of fondu. The two of us just need each other to be happy, and not a whole lot else.
But in light of our anniversary, and the fact that I promised months ago to share more about our wedding, I’m dedicating all of next week to articles and photos on the big day. From designing a wedding invitation, to how I lost a tooth two days before the event, I’m getting out all my wedding stories in one go! I can tell by my most read articles that it’s a topic many readers are interested in, and I’m looking forward to discussing some of the more interesting details.
It’s surprising how quickly a year has gone by, but it’s just another reason to hold on tightly to each and every moment we have together. I hope your own weekend is full of romance and joy – grab it if you can, and don’t let it go.
Next week I’ll be sharing stories from my wedding, so tune in on Monday! And if you can’t wait until then, here’s a little refresher.