“I used to want to save the world. This beautiful place. But I knew so little then. It is a land of beauty and wonder, worth cherishing in every way. But the closer you get, the more you see the great darkness simmering within.” ~ Diana
When I set out to make a Wonder Woman costume, I had no idea how it would turn out or how much work I would eventually put into it, I just wanted to create something I was proud of. Many years have gone by since I’ve put any effort into a halloween costume – or a big, all consuming project, for that matter – so I didn’t really know what to expect. But as I started researching, planning and learning, somewhere in there I decided to push myself, to dig into the idea, and really take it as far as I could go. This was a project I wanted to see through, to do well, thoroughly, and completely. I think if I had known what kind of determination and focus it would take, especially for a complete and utter beginner, I probably wouldn’t have made an attempt, but my interest and curiosity carried me through, and I came out the other end knowing a lot more about myself and what I’m capable of. Becoming Wonder Woman was just one of the great perks at the end of that journey.
I grew up making things. Tiny beads, clay figurines, bracelets and origami – a childhood of creative solitude despite being in a big family. Building this costume brought out that same feeling: alone in my bedroom late at night, huddling over a project laid out across my hand-me-down desk, a lone lamp for company as I toil over a small detail. For weeks I was that same little girl with no other care in the world except for crafting this costume, piece by piece, while most everything else fell by the wayside.
It’s been a long time since I felt that kind of focus and creative freedom. I’ve spent many of my adult years questioning my creativity, doubting myself, and letting internal criticism get in the way of a lot of my dreams. In the past, these feelings often made me feel like giving up, but lately I’ve stopped listening to the doubts and just planned on working hard to reach my goal.
It is so fitting that in building Wonder Woman’s armor, I came out feeling empowered. I knew literally nothing about making costumes, about cosplay, crafting out of foam, or prop painting, but I put every ounce of focus into learning techniques, gathering knowledge, and researching materials. Looking back on the process has made me feel so capable, and I have a renewed feeling of trust in myself that for many years I thought had abandoned me.
I spent about 10 straight weeks working on this Wonder Woman costume. I’ve lost count of how much time I spent on the bodice alone, but I suspect it’s well over 40 hours of researching, designing, illustrating, crafting, gluing and painting. My Wonder Woman armor, bracers, arm cuff and shield are all made out of foam. The skirt, wraps, and holster are real leather and my sword is made out of resin. I purchased the shoes and crown. It’s been quite an experience putting this costume together, and I hope it brings people joy!
Enjoy all the photos of my Wonder Woman costume below!

Wonder Woman is the embodiment of power, grace, and wisdom – a symbol of good in a world where there is so much wrong. She is the only heroine I have ever looked up to and the recent film has made me a lifelong, unwavering fan. Crafting her armor has given me confidence in myself, and made me feel like I can achieve whatever goals I set my mind to.
I am Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons… and I hope you have an absolutely delightful Halloween! Love, Wonder Woman!
I’ll be sharing a more in depth post soon on the making of the armor, so stay tuned! Have you ever made a really detailed costume, or worked on a creative project that took up all of your time? Share with me in the comments below!
Special thanks are in order for my sister who helped make my skirt, my friend Zach for his assistance on this shoot, and my husband for his unwavering support (and photos!). And thank you to all the YouTubers and makers who inspired and helped me along the way including: GiveWave Studios, CoreGeek, EpochEchoCosworx, HarBeastie, Cosplay Apprentice, and Gladzy! I couldn’t have done it without your videos, kits, patterns, material advice, product recommendations, and many tips and tricks!