It is common knowledge that if you are to go apple picking, you must complete certain tasks to consider the trip a success:
- Eat an apple fresh off the tree
- Buy at least one pumpkin
- Enjoy a homemade donut
- Launch a pumpkin from a slingshot
- Warm your hands with a cup of hot apple cider
- Enjoy with those you love
I suppose I’m a little sappy in the way I like to enjoy fall, but let me give you a little insight into my obsession: I spent several years in California where there is no fall. No colored leaves, no crisp nights, no golden sunsets and very little Halloween decorations. This was hard for someone like me who spent my childhood believing autumn was a magical time. Now that I’m in the Northeast, I’m diving right back in.

At Wightman’s Farm, all my bottled up needs for fall’s atmosphere were fulfilled in one sunny morning! With pumpkins stacked outside the barn in baskets and bins, every size and color of gourd available, and hay & dried corn husks a plenty, I was having fall overload.

Soon, my family arrived and after a few minutes of exchanged hugs and hellos, we beelined it to the fields to snag our favorite fruit.

My father loves apples. Whenever we go picking, he packs a portable knife and delights in plucking a fresh apple off a tree and eating it right on the spot.

With baskets full, we wandered over to the pumpkin slingshot…

…and then rewarded ourselves with cinnamon and sugar donuts!

It’s hard for me not to bring every pumpkin home with me (really hard). Apparently my sister Dena was having the same issue…
Minus the hot apple cider (the weather was too hot), I consider our apple picking adventure a success. Such a fun way to spend the day with the people I love!