I must be in the mood for good design, because this week’s edition is full of bright colors and styled images. Now, without further ado, here’s your prescription to a happy week!
1. A cake decorated in roses and succulents for your next summer party – obviously.
2. While I would never need a reason to go to Bali, this travel guide makes a good case for it!
3. A photoshoot for anyone recovering from heartbreak.
4. I want to live inside this tumblr and scroll the images all day long.
5. This master plaster caster’s West London home is where you can bury me.
6. A shot of extras on the set of Elizabeth Taylor’s epic movie: Cleopatra.
You’ve just got to hold on for a few more days to make it through to Memorial Day – it’s almost here! And in the meantime, I hope your week is full of dusty pinks, crafted plaster, and beautiful sweet treats. Have a great one!