I’m a big fan of old films.
Let me rephrase that…
I’m a HUGE fan of old films. I’ve seen most Alfred Hitchcock movies more than once, I wouldn’t stop searching until I found a Grace Kelly approved wedding dress (with a birdcage veil, of course), and I spend most holidays watching White Christmas in awe of Vera-Ellen’s matchy-matchy costumes (chicness to the right). I’m always left with the same questions: Why don’t people wear “outfits” anymore? Why don’t our shoes match the exact color of our dresses? And what happened to custom hats – little pill boxes that coordinated perfectly with gloves and rectangular handbags?
So when I came across this Zara pantsuit (blazer and trousers), I got heart palpitations. This look is straight out of Hitchcock’s Vertigo – including the turtleneck and shoes – and though Kim Novak’s suit was grey with a mid-length pencil skirt in the film, I can see a strong influence. Zara’s wonderfully modern take is an easy favorite for me, and it’s also in the perfect soft blush.

This outfit has left me yearning for a full wardrobe designed by Edith Head, and I see a glimmer of my dreams come true: maybe, just maybe, we’ll see old Hollywood in both, Technicolor and real life.
What trends do you wish would return to mainstream fashion? Share with me in the comments below!