When I first “met” Dixie, the southern-drawling blonde solo-hiker, she was deep into backpacking the Pacific Crest Trail – a 2,659 mile hike that runs from southern California to Canada. I didn’t exactly understand what I was watching, but within a few minutes of her talking about “the trail,” sharing the challenges of staying motivated while others abandon the goal, and showing the unique perspective of a thru-hiker, I was hooked. The more I watch, the more incredible I think she is!
Dixie (that isn’t her real name, by the way, just her “trail name”) is tough as nails. She takes on the “24-hour challenge” staying up for a full day of hiking and walks over 60 miles, further than any of the males participating. Undeterred by physical discomfort, Dixie, matter-of-factly, shows images of her damaged and achy feet, and stays motivated while hiking covered in mosquitos. She just keeps going through it all. I deeply respect her determination and fearlessness, and I applaud her hiking to that final marker in Canada! Yay!
I also love the camaraderie and support from people she meets on the trail – complete strangers – that share the common goal of reaching the end. It’s endearing, and frankly, a nice reminder of the kindness and generosity of others.
Check out my favorite episode:
While you’re unlikely to ever catch me on a thru-hike, I am inspired by Dixie’s focus and perseverance. And if I ever DID want to hike the PCT, I know just the girl to show me how!
Dixie finished the Pacific Crest Trail, and has already done the Appalachian Trail, but the good news is that she’s filmed it all! Check out all her awesome videos here on YouTube, and visit her website here, for product reviews and other info. And have you ever watched a YouTube channel you felt was not something you would like, but then it really grew on you? Share with me in the comments below!
Image via Homemade Wanderlust’s website.