It’s been a busy, but wonderful week, full of exciting things! I got to spend an extended Thanksgiving break with one of my sisters who was visiting from California – she even let us shoot a photo for her holiday card using a few of my Wonder Woman props (it turned out so cute, I may have to share it!). While I’m shocked it’s December, it feels like one of the first years that I’m not dreading the cold, and not perpetually sad that it’s the end of the year. I’d like to attribute all of that to this blog, of course, but it might also have something to do with our holiday plans: we just booked a trip to Paris for Christmas!
I always love cozying around the tree with my own family, but I am so looking forward to enjoying France, once again, with my in-laws. Pinch me! So much to plan and think about, that I can hardly keep it all in my head. As with any trip, I’m looking forward to doing everything and nothing all at the same time.
And is it just me? Or has anyone else been completely taken by the Royal Engagement? I’ve pretty much watched and read every video and article I could find online, leaving Jon to roll his eyes when I tell him to “watch just one more clip.” Like Meghan Markle, I too love a great romance, but I am sort of surprised how exceedingly happy I am for them. While they are a charming couple, deeply in love, I can’t help but think of how starved I’ve been for good news – so I’ll be filling my heart with this one, thank you very much!
I’m heading into Saturday with a sparkle in my eye and a positive bounce in my step. And I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of happiness, romantic whispers and a prince or two of your own!