After many more hours of driving than expected – 19 to be exact – we made it to the amazing city of New Orleans! It’s good to be back, and even though it’s February, it feels like summer for me! My pale, white, vampire skin is surprised by the warmth of the sun, and less transparent than it was yesterday, so I’m thankful for that.
Jon and I have been walking the city, eating at new restaurants, and exploring old haunts. My feet are aching, but my heart is singing. Louisiana speaks to me, and it’s more than just the beauty of this unique place – this city wears the soul of the people everywhere you look. From the artists to the musicians, Uber drivers and neighbors, I have never spoken to so many strangers at any time. The friendliness, creativity, and spontaneity have overwhelmed me on more than one occasion, and I’m soaking up all the southern goodness that I can while I’m here.
My last visit was in 2015, and it was squeezed between legs of our Great American Road Trip. We spent just two short days in New Orleans and without much of a plan, so this time we’re keeping busy and exploring more of the city. It’s also the first trip we’re managing to find a balance between waking up early, touring all day, and heading straight to bed. I love to do a lot, but I also like to have time to unwind, so this trip has been just the right amount of both.
I’ve thrown out my diet concerns for the time being, and have already eaten more coffee, fried dough, cheeseburgers and ice cream than I have the full year before. But as I said to our taxi driver last night, “you don’t go the New Orleans for the salads.”
I’m looking forward to sharing so much more from our trip, but in the meantime, carpe diem my friends!
Have you been to New Orleans? Share your favorite spots in the comments below!