Until my visit to Wyoming, I’m not sure I had ever really experienced fall. Of course, I’ve seen the colors change here on the east coast, but something about the trees in Grand Teton National Park glowed. They glowed! There’s no other way to describe the bright yellows and oranges — it was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. So you’ll have to bear with me as I share a zillion photos of the glory of fall. It’s the shortest season, and I feel so lucky to have experienced it already while the trees are still green and brown here at home.
Our first morning in Jackson Hole, Jon and I woke up early to photograph Oxbow Bend, and with the morning still at hand, we decided to enjoy the scenery around that area with a little hike. Jon was interested in photographing wildlife, and I was interested in avoiding wildlife (hello bear spray!) while taking some pictures of the glorious scenery. So here’s a share of our little hike along the Snake River. I hope it feels like you’re there with me!

As the sun rose, and its rays sprinkled light along our hike, the foliage went from a plain of glittering frost to a landscape in warm autumn. While we didn’t find any elk nearby, the colors of fall made me happy, energized, and grateful. And isn’t that what this season should be all about?
Do you love fall too? Share your favorite fall color experience with me in the comments below!