I love flowers, and having been many months starved of outdoor floral inspiration, my heart skipped a beat when the little white magnolia tree, photographed above, blossomed. As one of the earliest blooms to arrive, I know it won’t last long before the white petals are brown and droopy, so I decided to grab my camera and capture what I could of this beautiful, sweet plant. Just as the cherry blossom trees are starting to reach the peak of their charm, this flower’s life is short-lived, keeping me appreciative and aware of the passage of time.
Even though it still feels like winter will never end, the rays of sunshine keep pushing through the gloom and around every corner are perky daffodils and vibrant crocuses welcoming spring with cheery colors. And speaking of perky – I feel like I’ve been the liveliest version of myself lately. I’m always generally upbeat, but the past week I’ve been energized without caffeine, focused without much effort, and busy without the stress. It’s been productive, but also invigorating, and I’m not sure how much of it has to do with getting a handle on my migraines (goodbye nitrates and fermented foods) or the sense of rebirth that comes with spring. Perhaps a little bit of the latter, but mostly the former. This week I’ve been checking off doctor checkups, eye exams, and hair appointments, but I’ve also been slashing my way through to-do lists. Boy, do I feel alive!
I’m so excited to share that we picked up a fire pit – a little tile one from Home Depot that will give me a taste of that outdoor snuggle life. So #2 on my Spring Goals has been happily checked off! I’m looking forward to sitting outside during a chilly sunset and living my best life.
And here are a few of the news items that got me interested this week! I completely agree with this article from Man Repeller about who the protagonist would be if Sex and the City came out today. Here’s a hint, the actress is running for Governor of New York! I am all about self-care (more on that some other time), so a Sound Bath would be up my ally, but would you give it a try? Aside from my enthusiasm for Amy Schumer’s I Feel Pretty, I am super excited about this trailer for Ocean’s 8 because I love Sandra Bullock. I also kind of need to know where to get those sunglasses she’s wearing at 0:27. And if you haven’t met Mark Bittman, the food author and man who taught me how to poach an egg on my very first try (via his book, not him personally), you need to read this article titled The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right. I fully subscribe.
Jon and I may do another hike this weekend, as our last one was a great success (meaning I didn’t fall, trip, or get eaten by a bear). There’s no better way to spend Earth Day than being outside in nature, and reminding ourselves that we need to take better care of our planet. Even small changes, like using a reusable bag in lieu of plastic, or switching to reusable straws, helps to keep our world clean. We’ve still got a long way to go, but I’m not giving up and neither should you!
With that, I hope you have a fantastic weekend full of spring blooms, sunshine, and tree hugging!
What are your plans for the weekend? Tell me in the comments below! And please share books, articles, recipes, movies, etc., that you think I’d like! Thanks for reading! <3