This week hasn’t been the best.
From lack of sleep, to the last minute cleaning out of our storage unit, I’m ready to call it Friday and have a big glass of wine (I rarely drink, so that’s saying something). But there’s one thing keeping me together as I sort through pieces of cutlery, and that’s the glorious, golden arrival of fall.
The summer’s hot, muggy weather has finally surrendered to fall’s crisp air, and each night I can smell a neighbor’s wood-burning fire, drifting on the evening breeze. After living for years in California, where the weather rarely changed, I try to savor my favorite season for as long as I can. That means countless walks, visits to the farmer’s market, and cafe trips for hot chai.
While I suspect this perfect, mild temperature will soon turn frigid, I’m holding on tight to these autumn days of gingham scarfs and orange sunsets!