Well, the jig is up! You’ve caught me in a rare episode of wearing my glasses, a sight never before seen since the 3rd grade! Okay, I’m lying. I wear glasses every night once I take out my contacts, but I rarely ever wear my glasses during the day. And I certainly don’t wear them HERE on this website (gasp! Aren’t blogs only for your best self?)! However, I’m on the brink of Lasik eye surgery, and I’m required to wear my spectacles for a whole TEN DAYS before the surgery. You know, just so my corneas go back to their original shape after wearing contacts (wait, what?). I’ll be honest, while I’m an excellent patient and know I’ll be in good hands, I’m pretty squirmy about my eyes. They are, well…my eyes! They are the only two things that show me the amazing colors and shapes of the world, and also kind of hard to replace or correct. So while I’m still pretty sure I’m going to go through with the procedure, I’m leaving myself open to a last-minute freakout and appointment cancelation. We’ll just see how I feel next week…
While I ponder the idea of an identity that doesn’t involve my terrible eyesight, I’ve mostly spent the week pretending to do work and watching the FIFA World Cup soccer games. I am a rabid soccer fan when it comes to the Cup, have been watching since I was a kid, and it’s an event I love even more than the Olympics (and I love the Olympics a lot). I’m well aware of the awful reputation of the FIFA organization, but I can’t help my love of this sport. There’s something so basic about people running around and kicking a ball. It’s a simple activity that makes the true talents amazing to watch. While Ronaldo is definitely a handsome prima donna, boy can that Portuguese man score a goal! And Messi? His feet are like dancer’s, moving so fast I’m sure the video is played at a higher frame rate. I love team sports, and I enjoy every second I get to watch these games. So that is likely to make up my entire weekend!

Here’s a look at what I’ve been enjoying this week:
– This obituary. (I know, perhaps enjoying isn’t quite the right word).
– A beautiful dress that reminds me of my American Girl doll Felicity (It’s the sleeves).
– The mathematician you’ve never heard of: Amalie Noether
– Jonathan Van Ness is everything!
– This article by the self-proclaimed Liberal Redneck and comedian, Trae Crowder, is perfect.
– Shout out to Man Repeller for giving summer a big F*** YOU!
– Can someone make me a coffee soda, like right now?
And suddenly, in the time in which I was writing this article, my pending Lasik appointment has now been canceled. Apparently, my doctor was in a biking accident, poor guy, and they don’t know when he’ll be back from recovery exactly. I don’t know if I should take it as a sign, but there’s nothing that gets me more nervous than a false start! And to think, my eyes were just starting to thank me for not wearing contacts every day. Dang, it! Guess I’ll be back in my old, eye suffocating, cornea bending, red-eye inducing lenses tomorrow then. So much for the hope of better vision!
And with that, I hope you have a great weekend full of goal kicks, cooler weather, and clear eyesight. I know I will be enjoying every 45-minute halftime these next few days have to offer. Thanks for reading!
What are your plans for the weekend? And be sure to share or suggest your favorite books, articles, or music to me or my readers!