I love Dyson products since my boyfriend (now husband) first showed me his vacuum cleaner in college (if you’re wondering, yes, it might have been a ploy to woo me). Nifty designs, a smart founder, and a good product made us continue to use Dyson as we built a home together. But when they came out with the Dyson Supersonic hair dryer, I was really blown away. It came out for pre-order just as I was researching new blowdryers, and my inherent trust in them made it a no-brainer. I love that blowdryer and can’t even tell you how it has made me more confident and glamorous!
Well, it appears that Dyson has done it again with the Airwrap, a curling iron with changeable tops that allow you to style waves with different barrels, and even dry your hair with a brush. A high order and kind of incredible! Watch one of their promos here:
The launch of this new curling iron is quite serendipitous for me, as I’ve spent the beginning of October dressed as Wonder Woman for various events (Comic-Con and charities), and I was lamenting how difficult a time I was having trying to get my hair to curl. It had come particularly into focus because my flat hair made me consider using a wig – yes, a wig! – since I had been unable to get my locks to resemble the voluminous ones of the comic book character. After an hour of curling my hair, applying product, pinning them to my head as they dried, my curls simply would not hold. And the ridiculous thing about it is that I actually have wavy hair, but for some reason when I try to force it with heat, it hates me and goes limp. So, in the last two weeks, I had honestly given up on thinking wavy hair would be achievable from any kind of wand. Then, I see a video for Dyson Airwrap, and my hopes are restored. If your hair holds a curl easily, it might make no difference to you, but if, like me, you’ve wanted to join the rest of the perfect-haired girls out there, then it might be the answer to your prayers!
I’ll definitely be heading into the New York City Demo store soon to get an up-close encounter with the Airwrap. It’s expensive ($500), and I want to make sure it’s worth the investment first. Although I won’t lie, I’m so desperate for great hair products, I might already be sold on it!
What do you think of the Airwrap? Do you think it works? Is it too expensive? Share with me in the comments below!
Image, GIF, and video all courtesy of Dyson.com.